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Join Us in Building a Resilient Woods Hole!

We’re on a mission to ensure a sustainable, climate-resilient future for Woods Hole—and we need your help! Discover the innovative steps we’re taking to protect our community and the environment, and find out how you can play a vital role in making it happen.

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ResilientWoodsHole is

  • A collaboration between three major science institutions in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and key local stakeholders, including the business, residential and science communities, and the Town of Falmouth, MA.
  • An initiative to ensure the vibrant and productive village of Woods Hole prospers well into the future with the advent of major climate impacts such as sea-level rise, coastal flooding, shoreline loss, and associated challenges.
  • A commitment to preserving direct access to the sea, which is fundamental to each institution’s mission, and is threatened by climate impacts.
  • A first-of-its-kind pooling of resources, intellectual horsepower, and management skills to support the collaborators’ mutual interests and those of the greater community.
Woods Hole, Mass. study area
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