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Homeowner Resources

Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Coastal Hazards
July 2020
This handbook provides homeowners with information on how to prepare for natural hazards so that risks to family and property may be reduced. This book overviews historic risk of storms in the region, helps homeowners develop emergency plans, reviews things that homeowners can do to strengthen their home's physical structure, and provides an overview of insurance.

Falmouth Vulnerability Assessment Report
January 2020
The Falmouth Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning Report identifies areas in Woods Hole that are vulnerable to sea level rise and storm surge, assesses the vulnerability of infrastructure and natural resources, and identified adaptation strategies.

Floodplain Regulations and Historic Structures
This Cape Cod Commission page contains information on floodplain regulation and historic structures. This webpage has a link to a guide that answers common questions, and other resources in flood adaptation for historic structures.

Coastal Processes and Erosion
This webpage, part of the programs under the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, provides a variety of publications and resources for homeowners. Please scroll down the page to get to the Publications and Resources section.

Storms, Erosion, Flooding
This webpage of the WHOI SeaGrant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension provides resources on storms, erosion and flooding. Please scroll down to the resources section of the page for more homeowner specific resources.

Protect Your Property Brochure
This brochure, created by the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, provides a brief overview of changes homeowners can make to protect their homes and resources to mitigation funding programs, including FEMA, USDA, and HUD.

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